Seeking ForgivenessCont’d from page 1 His great Quran points out several areas where we do wrong and how we can make up (pay) for it equitably, repent, reform, and most of all, be forgiven. Believers are encouraged to study the vast situations God has addressed in this regard. [See also Appendix 37 of Dr. Rashad Khalifa’s Authorized English Version.] When you examine His system for achieving forgiveness, you cannot help
but appreciate how oft forgiving and merciful God is towards the people
(3:135, 42:30, 42:34, 53:32). For example, if we do things wrong out of
ignorance then repent immediately thereafter and reform, that is the end
of the matter (4:17). In situations where God wants a defaulter to undergo
a corrective measure, the ‘make good’ fine or punishment is
equitable to all, and at times even provides options (such as fasting
if someone cannot afford to feed) to help the person fulfill the requirement
(5:89, 5:95). As for idol worship, the worst of all sins—far worse
than murder, intoxicants, homosexuality etc.—a person needs to pay nothing to be forgiven. All he or she has to do is stop doing it, repent and lead a righteous life (reform). In our present social system, imagine being let go so easily for even a minor offence; leave alone a horrendous one like idol worship! As for those who repent, reform, and proclaim, I redeem them. I am the Redeemer, Most Merciful (2:160). Anyone who commits evil, or wrongs his soul, then implores GOD for forgiveness, will find GOD Forgiving, Most Merciful (4:110). In effect, the provision to make up for wrong actions, seek forgiveness, repent and reform is an awesome blessing from God that we must take advantage of at every opportunity. God loves the repenters (2:222). The thing to watch out for is the ego. It is the ego that got us here
and it is the ego that prevents people from acknowledging their wrong
and imploring God for forgiveness (2:54, 45:23). In addition to seeking
forgiveness from God often (2:286, 51:81, 9:112), we must also learn to
be more tolerant and forgiving towards one another (7:199, 16:126, 24:22,
42:43) and never take God’s grace, blessings |
or mercy for granted (7:99, 14:34, 57:29, 70:28). When triumph comes from GOD, and victory. You will see the people embracing GOD’s religion in throngs. You shall glorify and praise your Lord, and implore Him for forgiveness. He is the Redeemer (110:1-3). Kais