Understanding Islam
Cont’d from Page 1
The word deen refers to all aspects of life and cannot
really be translated by the word “religion.” Deen
means life transaction, literally a debt or exchange situation between
two parties, in this context between God and His servants.
Islam is called “al-deen,” the way of life;
as it is not a religion of rituals but a complete way of life including
spiritual, social, eco-nomic and political systems pro-viding guidance
for private, public, national and international issues.
O you who believe, you shall observe GOD as He should
be observed, and do not die except as Submitters. [3:102]
We sent down to you this scripture, truthfully;
you shall wor-ship GOD, devoting your religion to Him alone. Absolutely,
the religion shall be devoted to GOD alone. Those who set up idols
beside Him say, "We idolize them only to bring us closer to
GOD; for they are in a better position!" GOD will judge them
regarding their disputes. GOD does not guide such liars, disbelievers.
Therefore the way of life decreed by God is submission to His
will, and to Him alone, in service and worship.
The only religion approved by GOD is "Submission."
Ironically, those who have received the scripture are the ones who
dis-pute this fact, despite the knowl-edge they have received, due
to jealousy. For such rejectors of GOD's revelations, GOD is most
strict in reckoning. [3:19]
Who is a Muslim?
The Arabic word “Muslim” is de-fined as the one who
surrenders or submits to the will of God. The word “Muslim”
stems from the same root (SLM) as “Islam.”
One does not become a Muslim automatically if his or her birth
certificate indicates so. A person’s name, his parents’
religious background, his race or language is no guarantee for him
to be a Muslim acceptable to God. Being a Muslim is a matter between
the person and God the Almighty who knows our innermost thoughts
and intentions. It is a matter of whether a person accepts God as
the only deity, submits to His will, and lives a righteous life
However, the term Muslim is more often given to those who say they
are followers of the Quran. But with careful study of the word,
it can also be used to describe those who follow the Old Testament
and the New Testament as well.
The Quran, which is the Final Testament, considers all religions
devoted to God alone as being valid and acceptable, as long as certain
minimal criteria are met. Devotion to God alone guarantees salvation.
It’s the duty of all humans —whether they consider them-selves
Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, or any other religion—to
recognize the absoluteness of God as Lord of the Universe and not
place any idols besides Him.
Surely, those who believe, those who are Jewish,
the Christians, and the converts; anyone who (1) believes in GOD,
and (2) be-lieves in the Last Day, and (3) leads a righteous life,
will re-ceive their recompense from their Lord. They have nothing
to fear, nor will they grieve. [2:62]
Using the Quranic fact that certain
criteria must be met in all religions in order to be accepted by
God, it will become clear that there is only one religion regardless
of the name used for God or for the religion itself.
Anyone who accepts other than Submission as his
religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter,
he will be with the losers. [3:85]
God’s words are Truth, and the truth will never change no
matter what we say or do. So it is made very clear that our natural
instinct is to worship God alone regardless of the names we use
to describe its practice as stated in the Quran:
Therefore, you shall devote your-self to the religion
of strict monotheism. Such is the natural instinct placed into the
people by GOD. Such creation of GOD will never change. This is the
perfect religion, but most people do not know. [30:30]
Who would forsake the religion of Abraham, except
one who fools his own soul? We have chosen him in this world, and
in the Hereafter he will be with the righteous. [2:130]
Absolutely, this is the narration of the truth.
Absolutely, there is no god except GOD. Absolutely, GOD is the Almighty,
Most Wise. [3:62]
Abraham was neither Jewish, nor Christian; he was
a mono-theist submitter. He never was an idol worshiper. [3:67]
Cont’d on Page 3