September 2000: Page 1, 2, 3, 4

Submitters Perspective

Page 2

Hadith vs Quran

Cont'd from Page 1

men” of the religion. These students literally waste their time to learn all the details of living their lives in accordance with the supposed sayings and deeds of the prophet.

The religious rules and regulations based on such innovations contain and cover literally every aspect of life from walking, eating, laughing, sleeping?almost anything one can think of. The rules such as how to use the bathroom and what to do in there! The details are too gross and shocking to mention.

Appalling Hadiths

There are even grosser sayings and deeds attributed to the prophet regarding his sex life, preferences and sexual desires. Didn’t these so called narrators have anything else to do but peek in the Prophet’s private life? How could such perverse narrators be considered reliable sources of information? These are the type of people who produced such blasphemous and incredible lies against a prophet of God! More incredible is the hypocrisy of the religious “experts” who supposedly follow these lies out of love and respect for the prophet!

There are also many silly things in the books of hadith such as whether one should drink a glass of water standing or sitting? Why should anyone care? Why are these kinds of irrelevant details important to some people? Because these people are completely ignorant about the essence of the religion of submission, and thus they think the religion is a bunch of rules and regulations on the petty details of life. They make the religion difficult for themselves while being proud of having difficulties and misery as part of their devotion to their “religion.” Which religion or god are they devoting themselves to? It cannot be the same One who

clearly stated in the Quran that He made the religion easy for us, that He did not reveal the Quran to make things difficult for us (20:2).

Insult to Prophet Muhammad

Indeed, the hadith books are full of contradictions, subtle or clear insults and blasphemies to Almighty God as well as the prophet himself. What kind of a messenger would Muhammad be if he did or said some of the things that were attributed to him? Muhammad lived by the Quran and he was an example for us. Anyone who followed the Quran which came through his mouth would not utter such blasphemous or ridiculous sayings. Such sayings, of course, cannot be but plain lies and conjecture. Would Muhammad ever blaspheme against God saying that God created the heavens and the earth for his sake, and that God’s throne was made up of his light? Would the prophet ever ask people to praise himself, instead of praising God, the Almighty, when the Quran clearly says that all praises belong to God? Never, ever. This is clearly stated in the following verse:

Never would a human being whom GOD blessed with the scripture and prophethood say to the people, "Idolize me beside GOD." Instead, (he would say), "Devote yourselves absolutely to your Lord alone," according to the scripture you preach and the teachings you learn. [3:79]

God Does Not Run Out of Words

If God wanted to be more specific about how we must live our lives, He could have sent down volumes and volumes of revelations on how we should sleep, how we should cook, eat or drink, and which dress we should wear and so on. He

surely tells us that if the oceans were ink, and the trees were made into pens, He would not run out of words (31:27). But it is God’s mercy that He wants us to follow only what He specified in His revelations, and use our common sense, knowledge and wisdom for the rest of the details of life. However people insist on making their lives miserable as their so-called religious leaders and “learned” scholars shackle them with satanic teachings and innovations.

Hadith Exposed in the Quran

God condemns the hadith by name in the Quran, and informs us that it is a blasphemous fabrication (45:6-7). He says that the Quran is one consistent source since it’s His Word. There is no contradiction in it. If it were from other than God, as hadith books are, they would have found in it numerous contradictions (4:82).

Hadiths can be useful for historical perspective, but they should not be used for establishing religious practices. Doing so does not mean one dislikes or does not obey the prophet Muhammad. On the contrary, it indicates that he or she respects him and God’s revelations that came through his mouth. After all it is God we are all supposed to please. The Quran teaches us that when the judgment day comes and everything is brought forward, the prophet will be disappointed by what has been done to the message that he delivered. He will say, “my people have deserted the Quran” (25:30). Therefore, following or upholding baseless hadiths is something neither God nor His messengers want us to do:

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