In the name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful There is no other god beside GOD |
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[36:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
[36:1] Y. S.* (Yaa Seen)
[36:2] And the Quran that is full of wisdom.
[36:3] Most assuredly, you (Rashad) are one of the messengers.*
[36:5] This revelation is from the Almighty, Most Merciful.
[36:6] To warn people whose parents were never warned, and therefore, they are unaware.
[36:7] It has been predetermined that most of them do not believe.
[36:10] It is the same whether you warn them or not, they cannot believe.*
Rejecting The Messengers: A Tragic Human Trait*
[36:13] Cite for them the example of people in a community that received the messengers.
[36:16] They said, "Our Lord knows that we have been sent to you.
[36:17] "Our sole mission is to deliver the message."
[36:20] A man came from the other end of the city, saying, "O my people, follow the messengers.
[36:21] "Follow those who do not ask you for any wage, and are guided.
[36:22] "Why should I not worship the One who initiated me, and to Him is your ultimate return?
[36:24] "In that case, I would be totally astray.
[36:25] "I have believed in your Lord; please listen to me."
The Righteous Go Straight to Paradise*
[36:26] (At the time of his death) he was told, "Enter Paradise." He said, "Oh, I wish my people knew.
[36:27] "That my Lord has forgiven me, and made me honorable."
[36:29] All it took was one blow, whereupon they were stilled.
Ridiculing The Messengers: A Tragic Human Trait*
[36:30] How sorry is the people's condition! Every time a messenger went to them, they always ridiculed him.
[36:32] Every one of them will be summoned before us.
Signs of God
[36:33] One sign for them is the dead land: we revive it and produce from it grains for their food.
[36:34] We grow in it gardens of date palms, and grapes, and we cause springs to gush out therein.
[36:39] The moon we designed to appear in stages, until it becomes like an old curved sheath.
Invention of the First Ship
[36:41] Another sign for them is that we carried their ancestors on the loaded ark.
[36:42] Then we created the same for them to ride in.
[36:44] Instead, we shower them with mercy, and let them enjoy for awhile.
[36:48] They also challenge, "When will that promise come to pass, if you are truthful?"
[36:49] All they see will be one blow that overwhelms them, while they dispute.
[36:51] The horn will be blown, whereupon they will rise from the grave and go to their Lord.
[36:53] All it will take is one blow, whereupon they are summoned before us.
[36:55] The dwellers of Paradise will be, on that day, happily busy.
[36:56] They abide with their spouses in beautiful shade, enjoying comfortable furnishings.
[36:57] They will have fruits therein; they will have anything they wish.
[36:58] Greetings of peace from a Most Merciful Lord.
[36:59] As for you, O guilty ones, you will be set aside.
The Devil is the Other Alternative
[36:61] And that you shall worship Me alone? This is the right path.
[36:62] He has misled multitudes of you. Did you not possess any understanding?
[36:63] This is the Hell that was promised for you.
[36:64] Today you will burn in it, as a consequence of your disbelief.
[36:67] If we will, we can freeze them in place; thus, they can neither move forward, nor go back.
[36:69] What we taught him (the messenger) was not poetry, nor is he (a poet). This is but a formidable proof,* and a profound Quran.
[36:70] To preach to those who are alive, and to expose the disbelievers.
[36:71] Have they not seen that we created for them, with our own hands, livestock that they own?
[36:72] And we subdued them for them; some they ride, and some they eat.
[36:73] They derive other benefits from them, as well as drinks. Would they not be appreciative?
Powerless Idols
[36:74] They set up beside GOD other gods, perhaps they can be of help to them!
[36:75] On the contrary, they cannot help them; they end up serving them as devoted soldiers.
[36:80] He is the One who creates for you, from the green trees, fuel which you burn for light.
[36:82] All He needs to do to carry out any command is to say to it, "Be," and it is.
[36:83] Therefore, glory be to the One in whose hand is the sovereignty over all things, and to Him you will be returned.*
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